LAU diploma and transcript for sale, Lebanese American University diploma

LAU diploma and transcript, Lebanese American University diploma

LAU diploma and transcript, Lebanese American University diploma

LAU diploma and transcript for sale, Lebanese American University diploma. Is Lebanese American University diploma and transcript accredited? Who can make the best Lebanese American University diploma of Bachelor for me? How to Replace Your Lost LAU or LIU diploma certificate? The Lebanese American University (LAU; Arabic: الجامعة اللبنانية الأميركية) is a secular private American university in Lebanon.

It is chartered by the board of regents of the University of the State of New York and is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE). It has two campuses and offers 58 degrees. LAU has two main campuses, one in the capital Beirut and the other in the city of Byblos, 35 kilometers north of Beirut. LAU also has a small campus in New York City, New York.

The Byblos campus, inaugurated in 1991, offers nursing, medicine, engineering and pharmacy courses, while most other courses are offered at both campuses. LAU’s Beirut and Byblos campuses are 2.54 hectares and 15.94 hectares respectively. On both campuses, students have access to libraries, gymnasiums, residence halls, theaters, wireless networks, computer centers, laboratories and academic support services.

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On June 30, 2009, LAU acquired LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital (LAUMC-RH). LAUMC-RH provides medical services such as radiology and imaging, dialysis, endoscopy, dermatology, ophthalmology, in vitro fertilization, and cardiology. In 2013, LAU moved its New York City headquarters to Midtown Manhattan and opened a new Executive Center in downtown Beirut.

The Lebanese American University is chartered by the board of regents of the University of the State of New York. It is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE). Its business majors (as well its economics major) are some of the few accredited by the elite Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.